What Are The Steps In A Mold Removal Project?

Mold removal work is important if you think there's a problem in a building. Customers should understand what the steps are when they hire contractors. A company will usually follow these 5 steps.

Identify Potential Problem Areas

Foremost, you need to determine where the possibly affected areas are. This can be surprisingly tricky because the sources of mold aren't always in obvious spots. You might find that a tiny drip in the plumbing system is promoting mold inside a wall. Similarly, a layer of humidity could get trapped in part of your house if there isn't sufficient airflow in that area.

A contractor will look for the usual suspects, such as basements and areas near plumbing systems. They will also look for possible signs of trouble, such as hints of water damage in ceilings, floors, and walls.

Mold Testing

Once a contractor is reasonably confident that they've found a place where there might be mold, they'll take samples for testing. Not only will this confirm or refute the presence of mold, but it will give the contractor a better idea of what they're up against. If the problem turns out to not be mold, you'll likely need to work with a different contractor to perform more testing. However, most suspected cases of mold prove to be actual ones.


Mold removal work can present some air quality hazards. Consequently, damage contractors in the field will want to lay out plans. Unsurprisingly, people should not be present in a home or place of business during the mold removal process so you should plan to be elsewhere.

A contractor will have to determine how aggressive the removal effort is going to be. For example, will they have to take out sections of the wall or can they treat the surface? Once they've devised plans for each affected area, they'll present them to you in writing for approval.


The contractors may bring in a wide range of equipment. Each worker will likely wear personal protective equipment, especially respirators. The company will put down plastic to avoid leaving behind waste from the removal work. In extreme cases, the team will have to rip out parts of the structure and replace them with new materials.

Preventing Recurrences

You don't want the mold to come back. A mold removal contractor will provide you with a list of things to do to avoid a recurrence. This may require you to hire other professionals, such as plumbers and ventilation contractors.

If you have any questions, read more about mold removal or contact a contractor near you.
